About Cigar Profiler

Cigar Profiler is dedicated to helping you answer two questions about any cigar:

  • How good is this cigar?
  • Will I like this cigar?
The first question is about quality, the second about preference. The trick is to distinguish between the two and then recombine them into a balanced judgement. This is what Cigar Profiler does.


The Cigar Profiler database contains all the usual quality aspects of a cigar: appearance, construction, complexity, variation and intensity. With the Cigar Profiler Review Tool, you can create your own reviews in a fun and easy way. Cigar Profiler then compares these measurements with database averages, also taking into account the purchase price. The result is a classification in one of four quality segments:

  • Budget cigars are not great, but cheap. What's your favorite yard gar?
  • Value cigars are the holy grail for cigar aficionados. They provide the most value for money.
  • Premium cigars are better than most but also more expensive. Quality comes at a price.
  • Niche cigars are a tricky category. For that kind of money, there are better cigars out there.
These segments help you pick different cigars for different occasions: the best yard gar for the lowest price, or those go-to value for money cigars that should be a staple in any humidor.

Personal Preference

With your personal flavor profile you can see if you will like a cigar before you smoke it. Cigar Profiler uses a proven, highly reliable matching algorithm that will save you tons of money. No more rockets, no more fancy limited editions that turn out to be a disappointment!

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Your personal profile, applied to all cigars in the database.

An online humidor, with unique reporting and analysis features.

Direct insight into the price/quality ratio of all cigars in the database.

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These features help you keep track of your cigars, build a better collection, and avoid cigars you don't like. If you buy only one cigar a week and avoid a handful of bad purchases a year, you're already saving money!

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Cigar Quality Quadrant